A Climatological Study Between Solar Activity and Extreme Events Around the Globe

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  • Meteorology Department, Freie University, Berlin ,DE
  • Meteorology Department, Freie University, Berlin ,DE




Earthquake, Extreme Events. Sunspot, Earth.


Variations of sunspot numbers in connection with extreme events like flood, storm, drought, seismic activity, volcanic activity, extreme temperature and sum of all events, defined as total event is studied. We have used Fourier analysis to investigate whether any periodic relation exists between Sun and extreme events. Correlation analysis is also employed to find if there is any relation between solar activity and extreme events exists. Finally, we present the comparison of extreme events with solar activity around sunspot maximum. Our study reveals that the maximum occurrence of drought is observed in the growth phase of solar activity whereas the maximum occurrence of other events coincide either with the sunspot maximum or in the declining stage of solar activity. Besides this we find that the seismic activity relates well with solar activity and the occurrence of maximum number of earthquakes shifted slightly from the time of Sunspot maximum.


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How to Cite

Bal, S., & Bose, M. (2010). A Climatological Study Between Solar Activity and Extreme Events Around the Globe. Indian Science Cruiser, 24(2), 38–47. https://doi.org/10.24906/isc/2010/v24/i2/177202



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