Artificial Intelligence at Crossroads

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It sounds to be a pity and perhaps, a misnomer if any adjunct to the word ‘intelligence’ encounters a sort of scepticism. Artificial Intelligence (AI) started off with an initial abode in realms of computer studies, essentially as a facilitator. AI has continued over the decades to convey the ability of a machine of artefact to perform functions similar to those that characterize human thought. J McCarthy and J Haugelaut are oft-quoted names in seeking definitions of AI, since early eighties. There has been no dearth of techniques drawing upon neural, fuzzy, genetics etc. and hence, algorithms associated with them. One can hardly rule out a genuine coupling of some of them e.g. Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy logic. Some sort of cohortism in such directions has come to stay. Even, Neuro-fuzzy algorithms have begun pay off dividends to AI. Multiplicity of AI has kept on seeking some sort of unfolding, implicitly or otherwise. In fact, nuances, of late, are expected to be enablers to reach out to frontiers of AI. Obviously, choice of unifying elements becomes a necessity.


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How to Cite

Sinha, D. K. (2017). Artificial Intelligence at Crossroads. Indian Science Cruiser, 31(6), 8–9. Retrieved from



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