Impact of Leadership Styles on Managerial Excellence

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  • Additional General Manager and Senior Faculty at HAL Management Academy, HAL, Bengaluru ,IN


Leadership Styles, Managerial Excellence, Competitive Advantage, Culture, Values, Ethics..


With increasing competition due to globalization and growing interdependencies, it is essential for an organization to reevaluate its strength and bring organizational excellence. An organization has to develop managerial excellence for organizational excellence. Leadership plays a vital role in bringing cultural changes leading to managerial excellence. There are many leadership styles. Each has its own role depending on the context, function and method. The leadership style adopted by an individual depends on his personality, culture and values. This paper highlights various leadership styles and their roles for managerial excellence.


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How to Cite

Murari, K. (2021). Impact of Leadership Styles on Managerial Excellence. Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management, 13(1), 8–15. Retrieved from



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