The Effect of Socio-Economic Differences on the Dietary Intake of Urban Population in Hyderabad

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  • National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad-7 ,IN
  • National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad-7 ,IN
  • National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad-7 ,IN
  • National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad-7 ,IN


The present study is an attempt to assess the dietary and nutritional status of families drawn from different socioeconomic groups in the city of Hyderabad. Data relating to dietary intake and the influence of economic status on the dietary pattern are reported in this paper.


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How to Cite

Thimmayamma, B. V. S., Satyanarayana, K., Rao, P. K., & Swaminathan, M. C. (1973). The Effect of Socio-Economic Differences on the Dietary Intake of Urban Population in Hyderabad. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 10(1), 8–13. Retrieved from



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