Influence of Fermented Whey Drink Microflora on Digestion of Lactose

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  • Department of Dairy Bacteriology, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Mohanpur, Nadia - 741 252, West Bengal ,IN
  • Department of Dairy Bacteriology, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Mohanpur, Nadia - 741 252, West Bengal ,IN


In India whey is obtained mainly as a by-product in the manufacture of chhana, paneer and to a lesser extent from cheese. Disposal of whey poses a serious problem to the dairy industry all over the world because of high organic matter in it. It has been estimated that whey has a biological oxygen demand (BOD) of 38,000 ppm as compared to 200 ppm for the domestic sewage and therefore, whey disposal has become a costly proposition. Use of whey in food system has been under active consideration of dairy product processors in recent years because of the growing global food shortages, increased whey processing cost for disposal and antipollution regulations.


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How to Cite

Kar, T., & Misra, A. K. (1998). Influence of Fermented Whey Drink Microflora on Digestion of Lactose. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 35(8), 211–220. Retrieved from



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