An Empirical Study of Employee Engagement and Customer Satisfaction in Banking Sector

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Employee Engagement, Banking Sector


Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards his organisation and its values. To sustain in this highly competitive environment, unexceptionable level of performance of workers is possible only when workforce reveals tenacious commitment towards their errands. A major problem that banks in India will face, once information and technology implementation reaches its optimum level, is staff retention. They need to train their existing staff to function effectively in the new environment and once the requisite skills are acquired by employees, they may have trouble in retaining the staff. It is in this context that the present study provides an analysis of factors that appear to be relevant in the context of employee engagement in the Indian banking industry. The important factors emerging from the primary survey of bank employees in Delhi are compensation and career growth, rewards and recognition and seniors support factors


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How to Cite

Singhal, N., Bala, K., & Sarawgi, S. (2018). An Empirical Study of Employee Engagement and Customer Satisfaction in Banking Sector. Journal of Business Thought, 8, 24–41. Retrieved from



Received 2018-05-16
Accepted 2018-05-16
Published 2018-05-16



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