Assessment Of Nutritional Composition And Antioxidant Activity Of Pasta Incorporated With Fresh Moringa Oliefera And Solanum Nigrum Leaves

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Moringa olifera, Solanum nigrum, Nutritional Composition, Antioxidant Properties


The study was carried out with objectives to determine the nutritional composition and antioxidant activity of Pasta incorporated with Moringa oliefera and Solanum nigrum leaves. Pasta was prepared by utilization of Refined wheat flour ,Solanum nigrum and Moringa oliefera at 90:5:5 percent ,85:5:10 percent and 85:10:5 percent level referred to as T T and T respectively .and Control was made with basic ingredients without 1, 2 3 incorporation of leaves mixture. sensory evaluation for prepared products was done by using 9 Point hedonic scale .Data obtained were statistically analyzed by using ANOVA ,Critical Difference and T test . Best treatment from sensory evaluation and control were carried out for nutritional analysis and Antioxidant activity .Analysis was done by using the standard procedure of AOAC. Iron, calcium and Vitamin C contents were determined by Thiocyanate method (colometric), volumetric method and 2, 6- Dichlorophenol dye method respectively. Beta carotene content was analyzed by the method given by Ranganna, 2001 while Polyphenol content and % radical scavenging activity were assessed by the Folin-Ciocalteu method and DPPH method respectively .In context with organoleptic attributes Treatment T2 made with fresh leaves mixture 2 (Refined wheat flour +Moringa oliefera and Solanum nigrum with the ratio of 85:10:5) were most acceptable in comparison with other treatment, Results shows a significant difference between T and best treatment T0 in context with Moisture , Ash ,Protein 0 2 ,Carbohydrate, Energy ,Calcium ,Vitamin C and Beta carotene as the calculated value of t is found to be greater than tabulated value of "t” 4.303 which denoted that Moisture, Ash, , Carbohydrate, Energy ,Iron , Calcium ,Vitamin C and Beta carotene content of T2 is better in comparison with T0 where as in context with Antioxidant2. activity Polyphenolic content , flavanoids content T2 is better in comparison with T0.



How to Cite

Ali, Z., Paul, V., & Singh, P. (2021). Assessment Of Nutritional Composition And Antioxidant Activity Of Pasta Incorporated With Fresh Moringa Oliefera And Solanum Nigrum Leaves. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 40(2), 45–50. Retrieved from



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