On Nagata's Result about Height One Maximal Ideals and Depth One Minimal Prime Ideals (II)

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Completion of a Local Ring, Depth One Minimal Prime Ideal, Height One Maximal Ideal, Rees Valuation Ring.


We expand the theory of height one maximal ideals and depth one minimal prime ideals initiated by M. Nagata and continued by the authors in part I. A local ring is doho in case its completion has at least one depth one minimal prime ideal. We establish several families of doho local rings, prove that certain local rings associated with Rees valuation rings are doho, and complement a famous construction of Nagata by proving that each doho local domain (<I>R,M</I>) of altitude α ≥ 2 has a quadratic integral extension over-domain with precisely two maximal ideals, one of height α and the other of height one.


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How to Cite

Kemp, P., Ratliff, Jr., L. J., & Shah, K. (2018). On Nagata’s Result about Height One Maximal Ideals and Depth One Minimal Prime Ideals (II). The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 86(1-2), 46–57. https://doi.org/10.18311/jims/2019/22488



Paula Kemp, Louis J. Ratliff, Jr., and Kishor Shah, On Nagata's result about height one maximal ideals and depth one minimal prime ideals (I), J. Indian Math. Soc., (to appear).

D. Katz and J. Validashti, Multiplicities and Rees valuations, Collect. Math. 61 (2010), 1-24.

M. Nagata, Local Rings, Interscience, John Wiley, New York, 1962.

L. J. Ratliff, Jr., On quasi-unmixed local domains, the altitude formula, and the chain condition for prime ideals (II), Amer. J. Math. 92 (1970), 99-144.

I. Swanson and C. Huneke, Integral Closure of Ideals, Rings and Modules, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2006.