Optimizing Analysis of Reasonable Limit for Depth of Deflection Point with Three-Dimensional Wellbore Trajectory

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  • School of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong, 276000 ,CN
  • School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong, 276000 ,CN
  • School of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong, 276000 ,CN


Wellbore Trajectory, depth of deflection point, reasonable limit, optimizing analysis


The optimization of reasonable limit for depth of deflection point has a fundamental significance to guide the design of wellbore trajectory. Considering energy saving and optimum scheme for mechanical oil production, the section plane type of wellbore trajectory is selected. The reasonable limit for depth of deflection point is optimized with different vertical depths and horizontal displacements. The results show that: if the evaluation life of oil well is short, take ten years for example, the optimal depth of deflection point is influenced by the cost of increasing drilling footage. And the optimal depth of deflection point is small. When evaluation life of oil well is long, take fifty years for example, the optimal depth of deflection point is influenced by cost of increase in energy consumption and centralizer. And the optimal depth of deflection point is large. With increasing the horizontal displacement, the optimal depth of deflection point is restrained by minimum curvature radius in the process of drilling. The above results have great theoretical and practical significance on allocation optimization of multiple well platform and rational evaluation of energy-saving potential.


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How to Cite

Xing, M., Zhou, L., & Xue, K. (2022). Optimizing Analysis of Reasonable Limit for Depth of Deflection Point with Three-Dimensional Wellbore Trajectory. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 67(5), 285–291. Retrieved from http://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jmmf/article/view/31557






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