Symmetrical Component Analysis of An Unbalanced Mine Power Distribution System In B2-Spice

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  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology (N.I.T.) Karnataka, Surathkal 575025 ,IN


Mine distribution system; unbalanced faults; symmetrical components; sequence networks; B2-Spice circuit simulator.


The paper describes the application method of symmetrical components for the analysis of unbalanced mine power distribution systems using B2-Spice. The knowledge of symmetrical components is extremely useful for the study of unsymmetrical faults in three-phase power networks. The concept is also useful for studying the three-phase machine behaviour under unbalanced conditions. B2-Spice is a general-purpose analog electrical and electronic circuit simulator. It is a powerful programme that is used to study the integrity of circuit designs and to predict circuit behaviour.


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How to Cite

Tripathi, A. K. (2022). Symmetrical Component Analysis of An Unbalanced Mine Power Distribution System In B<sup>2</sup>-Spice. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 67(6), 316–319. Retrieved from






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