Study of Corrosion Inhibition Efficiancy of Cannabis Extract for Mild Steel in Different Acidic Medium

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  • Department of Chemistry Bhagwant University, Ajmer, Rajasthan -305001 ,IN
  • Department of Chemistry Bhagwant University, Ajmer, Rajasthan -305001 ,IN



Corrosion inhibitors; Eco-friendly; non-toxic; plant materials; adsorption isotherms


Corrosion control of metal and their alloy is significant and an environmentally imperative matter extract of plant material serves as the superior alternative to replace the environmentally hazardous organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion of mild steel in acidic and other adverse environmental condition can be inhibited by extract of plant several organic compound with heteroatom such as N,O,S and P present in the plant extract are adsorbed directly onto the metals surface through polar atoms and thereby forming the protective layer. Their adsorption follows various adsorption isotherms. This paper discusses the different types of eco-friendly inhibitors for corrosion control of mild steel in acidic media extract of plant material are less expensive and environmentally friendly extract of plant material contains many active principals they contain polar atom because of this nature the lone pair of electron present on these atoms is pumped on to the metal surface lose of electron from the metal surface can be avoided thus corrosion inhibition takes place because of adsorption inhibitors molecule on metal surface protective film is formed thus corrosion is controlled


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How to Cite

Israni, R., & Savita, R. K. (2022). Study of Corrosion Inhibition Efficiancy of Cannabis Extract for Mild Steel in Different Acidic Medium. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 70(9A), 8–15.



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