Study on the Various Parameters Affecting the Power Conversion Efficiency of Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cell by SCAPS-1D

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  • Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 ,IN
  • Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 ,IN



Parameters, power conversion efficiency, Perovskite solar cell, photovoltaic, SCAPS-1D, Renewable Simulation procedure, tolerance factor


Perovskite solar cells are becoming an alternative for conventional solar cells, attaining a performance of 29% approximately in eleven years (2009-2020). The SCAPS-1D was employed to take a look at the impact of various parameters inclusive of the thickness of the absorber layer, operating temperature, and defect density (Nt) on the performance of a perovskite solar cell (PSC). Two PSCs architectures are designed and simulated by adopting the SCAPS-1D. It is also employed to analyze the thin-film photovoltaic architecture. One model configuration is FTO/TiO2/CH3NH3SnI3/Cu2O/Au and FTO/TiO2/CH3NH3GeI3/Cu2O/Au is the configuration of the second one. TiO2 layer as electron transport layer (ETL) and Cu2O layer used as hole transport layer (HTL) for both tin (Sn)-based and germanium (Ge)-based PSCs. The simulated result of both PSCs has been compared. In this study, careful theoretical optimization of photovoltaic (PV) parameters has also been done. This study examines the tolerance of Nt in the absorber layer. Optimized value of operating temperature, Nt, and thickness of perovskite layer for both the perovskite solar cells has been obtained using a simulation approach which leads to high PCE of a solar cell. By considering all optimized parameters CH3NH3SnI3 PSC has achieved the maximum efficiency of 6.15 % and CH3NH3GeI3 PSC has exhibited the highest PCE of 20.90 %. The results demonstrate that Sn and Ge-based PSCs are a future possibility to the PV device in terms of eco-friendly nature. This simulation works useful in the design of low-cost and high-efficiency lead-free PSC. These results will give the nontoxic and high-efficiency perovskite solar cell.


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