Fabrication and Tensile Analysis of Metal Matrix- Based Hybrid Aluminum Composite for Light Weight Applications

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  • Amity University Jaipur, R.J ,IN
  • Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, R.J ,IN




Fabrication, Materials, Composite, Properties, Process, Methods


The investigation explored about the aluminum metal matrix composites as a result of interesting innovations which can be utilized and recognized as a promising material for many commercial uses in a variety of sectors. MMCs have outstanding characteristics when compared to traditional metallic materials as well as metals. Within MMCs, a new category of composite materials, aluminum metal matrix composites (AlMMCs), is grabbing recognition. Aluminum metal matrix composites (AlMMCs) are a class of materials which have proved effective in achieving the majority of the stringent standards in applications requiring low weight, higher hardness, and moderate toughness. With a wide range of reinforcing elements and manufacturing flexibility, mechanical features, lightweight, as well as low cost. AlMMCs hold considerable promise for the production of blends with the appropriate characteristics for specific applications. Even though the components have the same structure and quantity, various feature characteristics may be achieved by modifying the production procedures and introducing the reinforcing component. The aim of this study is to offer a quick introduction to the new explored material and study of the previous materials, with an emphasis on the stirring cast technique, as well as numerous aspects that impact the fabrication procedure generally.


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Jain, A., & Kumar, C. S. (2022). Fabrication and Tensile Analysis of Metal Matrix- Based Hybrid Aluminum Composite for Light Weight Applications. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 70(9A), 30–42. https://doi.org/10.18311/jmmf/2022/32247



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