The Savonius Type Traditional Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System Modification to Incorporate the Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon to Improve the Efficiency and Performance at Various Wind Speed Conditions

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  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore - 574143, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Presidency University, Bangalore - 560064, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore - 560054, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, PA College of Engineering, Mangalore - 575018, Karnataka ,IN



Magnet, Renewable Source of Energy, Turbine, Wind-Power.


One of the sectors in the world that uses the most energy is mining. In addition, it offers a vital supply of raw materials for the building, transportation, industrial, and energy industries. With an increasing global population comes an expected rise in the demand for raw commodities. The mining sector will probably need more energy as a result of this rise in mineral demand for the extraction process, shifting and purifying. Because of their distant location, mining operations rely on fossil fuels including coal and diesel. Hence 4-7 % of greenhouse gas emissions overall are linked to the mining industries. Operating permits for mines are necessary, and these permits are subject to Environmental, Social and Governance policies. In this context, the benefits of renewable energy go beyond simply financial savings. They are also a component of plans to maintain a mine's license. These issues may be effectively solved by wind power. It is an entirely risk-free, economically viable, and environmentally responsible source of clean and green energy. In the studies we performed, we focused on how objects with comparable poles and continuous magnetic fields repel one another. In this scenario, magnetic propulsion's innate characteristics serve as the energy-sources. Our turbine is going to work much better in the specified circumstances, even in conditions with a slower wind speed, thanks to the additional features including the repulsion of similar polarity magnets. When used as a supplementary energy source in a VAWT, i.e. magnetic repulsive properties will add some kinetic energy to the turbine's rotational momentum, as it transforms wind power to desired form of mechanical movement.


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How to Cite

Hegde, S., Ramachandra, C. G., Nagesh, S. N., & Prashanth Pai, M. (2023). The Savonius Type Traditional Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System Modification to Incorporate the Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon to Improve the Efficiency and Performance at Various Wind Speed Conditions. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 71(12A), 253–259.






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