A Review Article on Fatigue Life Estimation of Miter Bend

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  • Research Scholar, Research Scholar Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad - 382424, Gujarat ,IN
  • GIDC Degree Engineering College, Mechanical Engineering Department, Navsari – 396406, Gujarat ,IN




Fatigue Life Estimation, Miter Bend, Ratcheting


The Efficiency of the piping system largely relies upon bends used to connect pipes. The piping system is at the highest risk due to stress concentrations at abrupt cross-sectional change, large support less valves, vibrations, and lack of the assessment of fatigue failure. Bends undergo different combine loads involving internal pressure, in plane cyclic loading, out of plane cyclic loading, dead weight along with different thermal conditions. Compared to straight pipe miter bend has more complex mechanical behavior and critical stress-strain locations due to its asymmetric shape and hence miter bend undergoes plastic failure in the form of collapse, ratcheting, and fatigue that leads to component failure at the end. This paper presents review for behavior of miter bend considering important fracture mechanics parameters such as limit and collapse load, local wall thinning, ratcheting, creep, and their effects on fatigue life. The review also tabulates all fatigue life equations used by researchers for predicting fatigue life. Topics for further research on miter bends such as out of plane loading, vibration induced fatigue and creep are also noted.


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Rathod, N., & Patel, D. (2024). A Review Article on Fatigue Life Estimation of Miter Bend. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 71(12A), 73–88. https://doi.org/10.18311/jmmf/2023/43086






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