An Unusual Case of Complicated Crown and Root Fracture of Maxillary Incisors - A Case Report

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  • Director, Postgraduate Studies & Research, Modern Dental College & Research Centre, Indore ,IN
  • Practitioner, Mumbai ,IN
  • Intern Kothiwal DenIal College & Research Centre, Muradabad ,IN


Trauma Injury, Fracture of Teeth, Crown and Root Fracture
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics


An unusual case of complicated crown and root fracture of right and left maxillary central incisors consequet to motorcycle accident has been reported. Interesting feature of the case is intactness of all the fragments maintaining complete morphology and outline of crowns of both the affected incisor teeth. This feature merit the reporting.of the case. Description of the case on clinical and radiographical finding fits well into the description of WHO classification mentioned in its International classification of diseases: Application to dentistry anthology. The need for steps at government and other levels to bring awareness in masses and preventing measures need no over emphasis.



How to Cite

V. P., J., R., S. N., & Kirti, S. (2018). An Unusual Case of Complicated Crown and Root Fracture of Maxillary Incisors - A Case Report. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (India Section), 22(3), 95–98. Retrieved from



Case Report


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