Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma of the Mandible - A Possible Sarcomatous Transformation of an Ameloblastic Fibroma

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Arnelnhlastic fihrnsarcoma, Ameloblastic fibroma, sarcomatous transformation


Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma is a rare odontogenic neoplasm re garded as the malignant co unterpart of . ameloblastic fibroma. It is composed of a benign ep it helial component an d a malignant mesenchymal ' component. Sometimes, the epithelia l cells may be over gro wn by the malign an t mesen chymal cell s and thus make diagnosis difficult. We report a case of a 26 yea r old fem ale p atien t diagnosed on incisional biopsy as an ameloblastic fibroma but excision ofthe spe cimen revealed an ameloblastic fibrosarcoma wit h paucity of the epithelial component. The histopathology of the tumour revealed the possibility that th e sarcomatous transformation of the mesenchymal component may have led to deplet ion of the epit he lial component.



How to Cite

Basavaraj, V. K., & Sarita, Y. (2018). Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma of the Mandible - A Possible Sarcomatous Transformation of an Ameloblastic Fibroma. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (India Section), 26(1), 12–16. Retrieved from



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