Sustainable Management: New Insights

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  • M K Sanghvi College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra ,IN
  • Pacific University (PAHER), Udaipur ,IN



Sustainability, Corporate Learning Systems, Human Capital, Value-based Profitability.
Corporate Finance


Sustainable value framework can be created by building enhanced utility and greater profitability. Big corporations can ensure excellence not only by building quality in products but also by standardising the processes through training their people. Highly skilled global workforce is the solution to our planet where we are looking for global economy. Resource optimization - both in natural and human would help us sustain this planet. This paper examines the current thinking on the processes of corporate learning systems and explores the issues of sustainability in learning. New research shows how the big corporations in the globalised world can achieve sustainable results by adopting new corporate philosophy which requires re-structuring around human workforce's continuous and time-bound learning in organizations.


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How to Cite

Dhopte, S., & Sinha, M. (2016). Sustainable Management: New Insights. SDMIMD Journal of Management, 7(2), 39–49.



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