Effect of 2 Naphthalene Sulfonate on Biochemical Stress Markers as well as Structural Integrity of DNA in Liver and Kidney Tissue of Channa punctatus after Acute Exposure

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  • Department of Zoology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar – 143005 ,IN
  • Department of Zoology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar – 143005 ,IN




2 Napthalene Sulfonate, Acute Toxicity, Genotoxicity, Channa punctatus, Oxidative Stress


2Naphthalene Sulfonate (2NS) is an intermediate compound used in textile industries but being nonbiodegradable, the solicitude regarding its ecotoxicity has risen. Thus, an inquisition was undertaken with the objective of evaluating the oxidative stress and genotoxicity of 2NS in fresh water fish, Channa punctatus. Based upon calculated LC50 value, two sublethal doses were selected i.e. 2.38g/L and 4.77g/L for further investigation. In order to study acute effect of 2NS, liver and kidney samples were collected after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure. Symbolic elevation in oxidative stress biomarkers and DNA damage was observed revealing the toxic impact of 2NS. The study would be helpful in assessing the risk impose by 2NS and calls for urgency in application of stringent policies against the indiscriminate use of such toxic compounds.


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How to Cite

Mehra, S., & Chadha, P. (2021). Effect of 2 Naphthalene Sulfonate on Biochemical Stress Markers as well as Structural Integrity of DNA in Liver and Kidney Tissue of Channa punctatus after Acute Exposure. Toxicology International, 28(3), 213–222. https://doi.org/10.18311/ti/2021/v28i3/26733



Original Research
Received 2021-01-07
Accepted 2021-04-04
Published 2021-08-23



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