Sir Asutosh Mookerjee: A Personality of Paragon of Virtue and Inspiration

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  • St. Joseph's College, North Point, Darjeeling - 734104 ,IN


An extraordinary someone must have something more than what a merely eminent individual has. In this very context, Sir Asutosh Mookerjee represents unquestionable genius in our country. He was a prolific educationist and perhaps the most emphatic figure of Indian education. He was a man of great personality, high self-respect, courage and towering administrative ability. Deep patriotism and national feelings inspired Asutosh in his manifold activities. For a brief period he served as the Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court. In 1906, Asutosh was appointed the second Indian Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University. Under his leadership Calcutta University became a buzzing hive of academic activities and intellectual pursuits. He was pioneer in the event of science renaissance in India. He was a polyglot learned in Pali, French and Russian, and was awarded the titles Saraswati and Shastravachaspati by the pundits of Bengal for his service to Indian education.


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How to Cite

Pradhan, D. (2014). Sir Asutosh Mookerjee: A Personality of Paragon of Virtue and Inspiration. Indian Science Cruiser, 28(2), 33–37. Retrieved from


