Carbon dioxide-Free Steel Production:Revolutionary Research

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An alliance of three Swedish industrial concerns wants the steel production. Instead of CO2 only water should be pushed out in the atmosphere. The steel cooker SSAB, the mining concern 1K AB and the energy suppliers Vatenfall want bit good bye to the coke plants and blast furnace based traditional production process SSAB is still according to its own statement is the biggest CO2 emitter in Sweden. On the way to CO2 free steel production the undertaking is taking a In fact lubricants should protect the machines against friction. But at the transition from oil repellant to oil attractive surface very small steam bubble vapour is produced to the contrary exactly. Such so called cavitations can damage the materials to some extent with propeller or pumps. The researchers at the Institute of Technology Karlsruhe found out that now in the context of simulation of models. The discovery which strongly depends on the viscosity of the oil shows that chemically long time.


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How to Cite

Ghosh, A. K. (2016). Carbon dioxide-Free Steel Production:Revolutionary Research. Indian Science Cruiser, 30(4), 7–7. Retrieved from



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