A Tribute to Swami Vivekananda

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The Indian Science Cruiser brings out this special number on Swami Vivekananda as a tribute to him on his 150th birth anniversary. It is a bouquet of fifteen articles on various aspects of his activities from mysticism to music.

Swamiji was basically a prophet of universal humanism and proactive in the field of human welfare. He derived his divine inspiration from the teachings of his Guru Shri Ramakrishna and deep reading of sacred books like the Vedas, Vedanta, Upanishads and Srimad Bhagabad Gita. He could successfully convince the western audience at the Chicago Parliament of Religions in 1893 that all men were particles of God and therefore kindred with each other. To be at the service of the poor was the greatest religious act. This was his message of practical Vedanta. It was not a narrow sectarian Hinduism. It was his devotees far and wide what enabled him to establish the Ramakrishna Mission Order for mankind. This offering covers religion, science, philosophy, education, renaissance thoughts, nationalism, globalism and music.


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How to Cite

Palit, C. (2012). A Tribute to Swami Vivekananda. Indian Science Cruiser, 26(4), 8–8. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ISC/article/view/37964


