Electrical Vehicles vis-a-vis Solar Energy

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Electromobility: The scientists think on how many photovoltaic (PV) on the vehicle can contribute to the energy supply of mobile systems. Electro mobility with the input of battery appears most probable from wind and solar energy today as the succession technology of the internal combustion engine. This requires a completely new charging network and in the long run, rebuilt possibly in many houses which do not provide today the necessary controlling set up. Also the last rules of power network could be overloaded in unfavourable circumstances, when in the thickly populated cities all may like to load simultaneously. That should be preventive at present scenario before all through the intelligent regulation of the charging phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Ghosh, A. K. (2019). Electrical Vehicles vis-a-vis Solar Energy. Indian Science Cruiser, 33(6), 17–18. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ISC/article/view/38174



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