A school-Level Experiment with Simple Pendulum and its Consequences

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  • Haripal G.D.Institution, Khamarchandi,712405, Hooghly,W.B. & Indian Centre for Space Physics, Kolkata,W.B. ,IN




A ‘Simple Pendulum(SP)’ is a multifaceted subject of study and is perhaps the most significant means of experimentally understanding a large number of properties of a Simple Harmonic Oscillation(S.H.O.),a Damped Harmonic Oscillation(D.H.O.),and a Forced Harmonic Oscillation(F.H.O.) at the Higher Secondary level. Many people [1-8] have studied various properties of S.H.O.and some mention about the gradual decay of amplitude of oscillation. In this paper an experiment on the decay of mechanical energy of a normally oscillating SP is presented and a near-appropriate explanation of the result obtained therein is aimed at.


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How to Cite

Chattopadhyay, R. (2019). A school-Level Experiment with Simple Pendulum and its Consequences. Indian Science Cruiser, 33(2), 33–38. https://doi.org/10.24906/isc/2019/v33/i2/183889



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