History of Origin of Colour: A Fascinating Journey

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  • Department of Chemistry, Vidyasagar College, 39 Sankar Ghosh Lane, Kolkata -700006 ,IN




History, Colour, Shades, Environment-friendly, Bio-sources, Pigment, Light Absorption.


Nature has attracted us due to its immense hues that man can never duplicate. People can only search for its origin. People have used colours from ancient age to till date for various purposes. In this review the history of origin of colour is revisited qualitatively, that reveals a fascinating journey of more than 300 years. Thousands of scientists were involved in it. Most of them went unnamed though their contributions no doubt helped to develop the theory.


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How to Cite

Dey, D. (2020). History of Origin of Colour: A Fascinating Journey. Indian Science Cruiser, 34(6), 48–53. https://doi.org/10.24906/isc/2020/v34/i6/208222



Feature Article



S Kole, Evolution of Science: From Ancient Beliefs to Basic Truths– A Few Examples, Indian Science Cruiser, ISEC, Vol 29, No 4, page 29–44, 2015.

P K Dutt and P K Dutt in General and Inorganic Chemistry, Revised Eleventh Edition, Sarat Book House, Chapter 9.

K K Rohatgi-Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Photochemistry, Revised Edition, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, Chapter 2.

J E Huheey, E A Keiter, R L Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education Asia, Chapter 11.

I L Finar, Organic Chemistry, Volume 1, Sixth Edition, ELBS, Chapter 31.

C N Banwell and E M McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Fourth edition, McGraw Hill Education, Chapter 1.