The Human Mind: Renovation through Chaos

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  • Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Volkhonka St. 14, 119 992, Moscow ,RU


Creative Thinking, Complex Systems, Dynamical Approach in Cognitive Science, Embodied Mind, Nonlinear Dynamics, Self Organization, Situated Cognition, Synergetics,


Order in the world we live in is based on a primordial yawing abyss of potencies: on chaos, A structure emerges in chaos out of chaos. Chaos is organized and it organises. When destroying, it builds. Chaos has many facets. Chaos is a way of renovation of complex A periodical immersion of a human mind of stimulation of its cognitive and creative activites.


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How to Cite

Knyazeva, H. (2003). The Human Mind: Renovation through Chaos. Indian Science Cruiser, 17(4), 20–24. Retrieved from






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