Sir Ronald Ross: Contributions in The Field of Medicine

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  • Department of FSM, Sammilani Medical College, Bankura, W.B. ,IN
  • Polymer Science and Technology, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi ,IN



In the citation Royal Society, London has written : Pathological Investigator. Distinguished for work on Malaria and Kala-ayer (Assam). Commenced these special studios in Tropical Hygiene and Parasitology in 1891. Papers on these subjects and on Histology of Blood, Indian Medical Societies and Journals. Parkes Memorial Prize and Gold Medal (Netley) for Essay on Malaria, 1894. Same year commenced experimental examination of Manson's Mosquito- Malaria theory, and studied malaria parasities at Secunderabad. Determined evolution of 'crescents' in stomach nature of the flagellate bodies (ibid, Jan, 1897). Finally succeeded in cultivating malaria parasites in gnats (ibid, December 18, 1897; Feb, 1898). Next year elucidated life-history of a malarial parasite ('Proteosoma Grassii') of birds; infected numerous healthy birds by bites of gnats, thus establishing mosquito theory. Also investigated Kalaayer (Reports to Govt of India, 1898-1899). Appointed Lecturer in Tropical Medicine, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 1899. Continued malaria investigations in Sierra Leone (Report of Liverpool Expeditions, 1900). Author also of notes on ‘Amoeba coli’ and ‘Cer intestinalis’ (Indian Med Gazette, 1897); Report on Sanitation of Bangalore, 1896. Also contributor to Quain’s Dictionary of Medicine, and wrote ‘Instructions for Prevention of Malaria’ 1900. In short, not giving details of discovery, here author has reviewed Sir Ronald Ross works and life.


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How to Cite

Chatterjee, S., Datta, S., & Datta, C. (2013). Sir Ronald Ross: Contributions in The Field of Medicine. Indian Science Cruiser, 27(5), 18–22.


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