Invited Invasion of the Foreign Universities in India

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  • Pollution and Environmental Assay Research Laboratory (PEARL), Department of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P. - 273 009 ,IN


I don’t know, what is wrong with the policy makers. They are just following the experiment of ‘Trial and Errors†in higher education. This higher education is in the target of the government, presently. The Governments have made up their mind to break the back bone of the culture of Higher Education in India. This has been proved by certain activities of the Policy makers. Government has directed its policies to invite and place “Red Carpet Welcome†to the foreign Universities, saying that by competition, the quality of higher education in India will improve. I doubt, how long the handicapped Universities will stand with empty stomach and in Gemini posture before the foreign Universities, which will come well equipped with their policies to take over the Indians. The Policy of the government is just as to throw the Indian soldiers empty handed before their enemy.


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How to Cite

Dwivedi, A. K. (2011). Invited Invasion of the Foreign Universities in India. Indian Science Cruiser, 25(2), 8–9. Retrieved from



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