Lesbian Laments and Gay Tears Genetics and Endocrinology of Sexual Deflections

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  • Genzyme Genetics, Phoenix, AZ 85034, USA ,US


Human civilization has encountered the behavioural deviation of both men and women from the time immemorial. It is very difficult to draw a well-defined demarcation between normal and abnormal practices observed in humans of both the sexes. The problem is getting more and more complex as greater and greater scientific observations are being made. In this article the author has tried to present the intricacies of the irony of fate encounterd by a group of people described as lesbians and gays and tried to enlighten its readers towards the query of what could be the real ischolar_main of the problem.


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How to Cite

Chaudhuri, J. P. (2006). Lesbian Laments and Gay Tears Genetics and Endocrinology of Sexual Deflections. Indian Science Cruiser, 20(5), 68–71. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ISC/article/view/43239