Continuing Education: a different learning opportunity

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  • Senior lecturer. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research . Kolkata ,IN


Education in general and Technical Education in particular, need to be strengthened by establishing strong linkage with its stake holders especially with industries and government as the primary stake holders of the system. Traditional system of education is being stretched by integrating Continuing Education concept because of its own demand across the world. Continuing Education system provides an opportunity to upgrade or refresh required Knowl­ edge, Skills and Attitudes for a particular group of people, for whom the formal education system is not effective. Continuing Education has become a well established and recognized system parallel to any other traditional education system. Continuous assessment of needs to be an integral part in offering and designing proper Continuing Education Programmes. Some aspects, including benefits, approaches in offering need based Continuing Education Programmes have been discussed with respect to Indian situation.


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How to Cite

Naskar, S. K. (2008). Continuing Education: a different learning opportunity. Indian Science Cruiser, 22(2), 24–27. Retrieved from



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