Science and Mysticism: Characteristic Features and Reconciliation

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  • Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur Math, Howrah-711202, West Bengal ,IN



Science and mysticism, Philosophy of Quantum Physics, Religion and science, Transcendence and immanence, Wisdom.


The article tries to cover an elaborate analysis on widely discussed relations between science and mysticism. Similarities, dissimilarities and possible reconciliation have been pointed out both scientifically and philosophically. One cannot go without the other for perfection as rightly Einstein asserted, but morality forms the cornerstone for mysticism as causality is the basic guidance of scientific endeavour.


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How to Cite

Bhar, G. C. (2024). Science and Mysticism: Characteristic Features and Reconciliation. Indian Science Cruiser, 37(4), 24–37.



Feature Article



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