Weld-In-Search Service

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Weld-in-Search is an information storage and retrieval system. Around 10,000 technical articles are stored with the computer, in the form of KEYWORDS and can be retrieved as and when needed. Welding Research Institute, Tiruchirapally-620014 maintains and operates this system.

For the benefit of the readers. The Indian Institute of Welding in association with the Welding Research Institute, offers Weld-in-Search Service covering the retrieved articles on a classified subject.

The classified subject selected for this issue of the 1WJ is Design of Weldments-Part-II. Part-I has been published in April 1983 issue of the journal. Each of the retrieved articles is referred to by a WRI file number, title of the article, the author(s) name, the journal code with volume and issue number. These details are followed by the abstract and keywords of the article.

To avail the Weld-in-Search Service for subjects of your choice or for complete text of these articles or for KEYWORDS, the journal of the Welding Research Institute, Tiruchirapally-620014, address your enquiries to Mr. B. Pullat, Senior Engineer of WRI.





