From the Desk of the Honorary Secretary General

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You will be glad to know that IIW-India had completed its journey of 50 glorious years in 2016 and we have celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the Institute by conducting various programmes throughout the year starting on the birthday of the Institute, 22nd April. A day long program has been organized at Hotel Stadel, Kolkata. A symposium on "Welding for Nation Building" had been organized and eminent personalities in the welding field had shared their thoughts on different subjects. Felicitation to the Senior Members, Past Presidents, Vice Presidents, Hony. Secretaries had been organized. We also honour some of our Senior Members with "Golden Jubilee Welding Ratna Award" and "Golden Jubilee Excellence Award for International Relations" to our Overseas friends, finally ended up on 17th of December, 2016 during the Closing Ceremony of the National Welding Seminar-2016 held on 15-17 December, 2016 at Science City Mini Auditorium, Kolkata.






Secretary's Report