Advances in Welding and Associated Inspection Technologies to Overcome Challenges in Clean Energy Sectors

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  • Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kaipakkam 603 102 ,IN


I consider it as a great honor for me and my colleagues at Metallurgy and Materials Group In Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) that I have been selected for this year's Sir L. P. Mishra Memorial Lecture by the Indian Institute of Welding (IIW-INDIA). Sir L. R Mishra Is a highly respected welding engineer who worked for Indian Railways and Hindustan Motors. He was the chairman of the first professional body (Indian Branch of Institute of Welding, London) of welding engineers In the country and he took Initiative to transform this body Into the Indian Institute of Welding, as we know today. It Is a great privilege that I have been invited to deliver a lecture Instituted In his honour. I also find the earlier recipients of this honour Include eminent experts Including Mr. M. N. Dastur, Mr S. V. Nadkarni and Mr. R S. Viswanath, to name a few. I thank IIW-INDIA with all humility for considering me one among these Illustrious welding professionals.





