The Effect of BMI on Risk of Fall Using Berg Balance Scale in Middle Age Patients with Type-2 Diabetes

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  • Department of Neurophysiotherapy, Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar - 414111, Maharashtra ,IN
  • Department of Neurophysiotherapy, Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar - 414111, Maharashtra ,IN
  • Department of Neurophysiotherapy, Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar - 414111, Maharashtra ,IN


Berg Balance Scale, BMI, Diabetes Mellitus, Risk of fall


Background: Given how closely obesity and diabetes are related that the term “diabesity” was coined and Obesity is known to be the major factor of risk of fall. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between middle-aged type-2 diabetic patients’ BMI and their risk of falling. Objective: To find the effect of BMI on risk of fall using Berg Balance Scale in middle age patients with type-2 diabetes. Method: After getting approval, patients were screened between age group of 35-55 years suffering from type-2 diabetes. Three groups including a total of sixty patients were taken - normal, overweight and obese based on BMI. They were assessed on the basis of the 14 components of Berg Balance Scale and interpretation of risk of fall was calculated from the total Berg Balance Scale score. Result: 20 participants in normal BMI group 15 had low risk of fall and 5 with medium risk of fall. In over weight group 4 had low risk of fall & 16 with medium risk of fall and among obese group all the 20 participants showed medium risk of fall. Conclusion: Middle-aged patients with type-2 Diabetes Mellitus have a relationship between their BMI and their risk of falling with an increase of falls in patients belonging to obese category (BMI ≥ 30) as compared to the patients belonging to overweight and normal category.


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How to Cite

Agrawal, R., Rai, S., & Ganvir, S. (2024). The Effect of BMI on Risk of Fall Using Berg Balance Scale in Middle Age Patients with Type-2 Diabetes. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health. Retrieved from



Research Article
Received 2024-03-01
Accepted 2024-08-13
Published 2024-09-10



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