Impact of Janani Suraksha Yojana on Postpartum Contraception: Evidence from Two Selected Districts in Assam

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  • Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar - 783370, Assam ,IN
  • Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar - 783370, Assam ,IN


Contraception Adoption, Janani Suraksha Yojana, Logistic Regression, Maternal Healthcare Benefit, Postpartum Contraceptive Counselling


This study explores the association between the receipt of JSY benefits and postpartum contraception use among reproductive-aged women in Assam who belong to the age group 18-49 years. The study is exclusively based on primary data collected from a sample of 260 reproductive-aged women residing in the two districts of Assam viz., Jorhat and Cachar. Surveyed women considered in the study were those who had experienced at least one live birth within the two years preceding the survey. Sample respondents were divided into two groups: those who received JSY benefits and those who did not. A binary logistic regression model is used to quantify the effect of JSY on postpartum counselling and postpartum contraception. The study findings reveal a positive impact of JSY on women’s postpartum contraception adoption within the study area. The possibility of receiving counselling on postpartum contraception and adopting postpartum contraceptives was 13.89 times and 14.94 times greater for those respondents who did not benefit from the JSY. The study reveals that JSY not only promotes institutional childbirth but also enhances postpartum contraceptive counselling and the adoption of postpartum contraceptive methods among the beneficiary women.


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How to Cite

Das, P., & Brahmachary, P. (2024). Impact of Janani Suraksha Yojana on Postpartum Contraception: Evidence from Two Selected Districts in Assam. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 1–12. Retrieved from



Research Article
Received 2024-03-15
Accepted 2024-06-19
Published 2024-08-26



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