Theory of Knowledge as Propounded by Great Western Philosophers Compared with Ramanujacharya's Based on Vedas

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The term METAPHYSICS was introduced to define what are "THINGS" and "WHAT IS MATTER". It included information about space and time as related to physical materials. This concept was mainly promoted by ancient Greek and Roman philosophers. Later on, in the 19th and 20th centuries, modern philosophers promoted the concept of EPISTEMOLOGY, to define the Theory of Knowledge. This concept was first highlighted by the Scottish King James VI in the 16th Century, based on the Greek character called Epistemon, meaning Scientist. There were many social beliefs and religious statements of Christian preachers that were not acceptable to the modern thinkers. This led to the evolution of Epistemology. This term was first used by the philosopher Frederick Ferrier. There was a major movement in Germany promoting Theory of Knowledge among philosophers, under the head WISSENSCHAFTSLEHRE, promoted by Johann Fichte and Bernard Bolzano.


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How to Cite

Madhavan, K. S. (2017). Theory of Knowledge as Propounded by Great Western Philosophers Compared with Ramanujacharya’s Based on Vedas. Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management, 9(1), 11–16. Retrieved from