My Way or the Highway

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  • Research Associate at the Center for Ancient History and Culture (CAHC), Jain (Deemed-to-be) University, Bengaluru ,IN


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How a person decides is largely influenced by personal judgment, shaped by the environment and culture they are exposed to, past experiences, future outlook, and the current context. However, there are occasions when one disregards other competing perspectives and sticks to one’s own. This can be understood using the concept of a "blind spot" in driving. The rear-view mirrors in four-wheelers often miss an area on the side known as the "blind spot." If a driver does not look directly at the sides while changing lanes, they may miss an incoming vehicle, potentially resulting in an accident. Similarly, in life, innate blind spots can lead to poor judgment and decision-making. Blind spots make people adamant and unwilling to hear the opinions of others. Most disagreements can be resolved quickly if people are aware of their own blind spots and try to address them. This essay draws upon the ancient wisdom of Sanskrit literature to explore how perspectives influence decisions. It also shares suggestions from our sages on how to clear your mental blind spots for a clearer view.


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How to Cite

Adiga, W. (2024). My Way or the Highway . Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management, 16(3), 15–19. Retrieved from



Śivaleelarṅava by Mahākavi Sri Nîlakanṭha Dîkshita - NavanIlkaNThadIkShita.html (Last accessed 20/08/2024)

Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Laureate in Economics – - Kahneman /dp/0374533555?ref_=nav_signin

Vidura Nitishatakam - yourself-sanskrit-mzv877/

Nitiśatakam - Bhartṛhari -

Kalividamabanam - Sri Nilakantha Dikshita -

Bhoja Prabandha by Sri Ballala -