The Effect of Swiss Ball Exercises And Plyometric Exercises on Core Muscle Strength Among Badminton Players

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  • Assistant Professor, School of Physiotherapy, VISTAS, Chennai - 600117, Tamil Nadu ,IN



Badminton Player; Core Strength Training (CST); Plyometric Exercises; Swiss ball


Background: Core Strength Training (CST) has been shown to improve performance in several sports disciplines. CST is recognized as one of the crucial elements that enhance athletic performance, particularly impacting badminton skills. The core exercise involves the strength, stability and injury prevention in badminton players. The Swiss ball exercises and Plyometric exercises has been described to increases the strength of the core muscles. Aim: The aim of the study is to compare the effect of Swiss ball exercises and Plyometric exercises on core muscles strength among badminton players. Need of Study: This study is essential for badminton players on the core strength as it improves their athletic performance, co-ordination and endurance level. Methodology and Procedure: Total of 30 samples are taken and divided into 2 groups. Group A receives the Swiss ball exercises and Group B receives plyometric exercises. Study procedure was started by measuring the core strength of each badminton players by vertical jump and plank test before swiss ball exercises and plyometric exercises. Result: The results of the study states that each group shows p value however Group B (Plyometric) shows more significant improvement than the Group A (Swiss ball exercises). Conclusion: This study concluded that both group shows significant improvement but Group B (Plyometric exercises) shows more improvement than Group A (Swiss ball exercises) in the strengthening of core muscles among badminton players.


