A Study to Assess and Compare the Core Stability Among the Classical and Modern Dancers

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  • College of Physiotherapy, School of Health Sciences, Dayananda Sagar University, Harohalli - 562112, Karnataka ,IN




Classical Dancers; Contemporary Dancers; Core Stability; Core Stability Training


Background: Core is described as muscular box (corset) which contains 29 pairs of muscles which stabilizes the lumbopelvic complex in both static and dynamic conditions. Core Stability Training (CST) can prevent both Low Back Pain (LBP) and injuries in extremity for athletes. Dancers like all athletes, also experience musculoskeletal injuries.

Objective: The objective of the study is to assess core strength among the classical and modern dancers and compare the core stability among both classical and modern dancers.

Methodology: This study included subjects between the ages of 12-25 years. The participants were Bharatanatyam and contemporary dancers. Subjects were recruited based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study has sample size of 110. Demographic data was collected, prone plank test, side plank test on both sides, flexor endurance test and extensor endurance test were used to assess the core strength.

Results: The standard deviation of the core muscle strength on prone plank 57.29±24.11 and 65.36±31.57, flexor endurance 50.87±21.22 and 57.76±42.97, extensor endurance 58.53±20.07 &60.78±16.82 of classical dancers and modern dancers respectively. Thus, the result of present study showed that there is no difference in the core stability among both the classical form and modern form of dance.

Conclusion: The study concludes that the core stability among the classical and modern form dancers remain same level though they have different styles, patterns, positions of dance.


