High Growth Businesses and Low Growth Environment in Bangalore: A Study of Firm Level Data for 1998-2003

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  • Center for Entrepreneurial Learning, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore ,IN


Entrepreneurship, Firm Growth, Job Creation, IT Sector.


This paper focuses on the emergence of high growth IT businesses in Bangalore. Prior research had identified factors that held back Bangalore businesses and inhibited their growth. An analysis of new firm formation and employment growth in Bangalore over a five year period between 1998 and 2003, indicate that the IT sector employment grew through expansion and growth of existing firms. This paper highlights the mitigating influences that helped Bangalore's IT businesses overcome the barriers to growth. The significant contributions of this paper are the inferences drawn from extensive firm level data in addition to assembling of the data itself.




How to Cite

Kumar, K. (2009). High Growth Businesses and Low Growth Environment in Bangalore: A Study of Firm Level Data for 1998-2003. DHARANA - Bhavan’s International Journal of Business, 3(1), 3–11. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/dbijb/article/view/17994



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