Physical Inactivity As A Determinant Of Obesity In Adolescents Of Jaipur City

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India is fighting the dual burden of malnutrition, on one hand it tops the list of maximum number of children dying of under"nutrition and on the other hand the middle and upper middle class are suffering from overweight and obesity. Consumption of calorie dense food and physical inactivity are the main determinants of overweight and obesity in children. This study examines the role of physical inactivity and subsequent increase in screen time and decreasing physical inactivity in overweight and obese adolescents from affluent class schools of Jaipur city. Two thousand four hundred and forty nine children in the age group of 10"14 years were screened for overweight and obesity on the basis of BMI, out of which, 652 were found to be overweight and obese. A two"day 24 hour record of physical activity was done and daily activities including" screen time, sleep time, playing indoor and outdoor games, time spent in commuting from home"school"home, home" tuition"home were recorded. The mean anthropometric measurements like height, weight, BMI, WHR were recorded and it was found that these were comparatively higher in boys than in girls. The mean TEE (Total Energy Expenditure) increased with age and boys had a higher TEE as compared to girls. The difference in the mean TEE was also found to be significantly higher in all the ages (P value< 0. 001). The mean PAL (Physical Activity Level) was found to be more in boys as compared to girls (P value< 0.05). Positive correlation was found between BMI and TEE, BMR had a negative correlation with PAL.



How to Cite

Sarna, T. K., & Singh, N. (2021). Physical Inactivity As A Determinant Of Obesity In Adolescents Of Jaipur City. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 39(2), 1–9. Retrieved from



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