Efficacy Of Nutritional Counselling On Gestational Weight Gain In Over Weight And Obese Women

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Objectives: To identify the know edge gaps of pregnant Indian women with regards to gestational weight gain (GWG) recommendations, pre-pregnancy weight classification, and the efficacy of nutritionists in educating women. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 398 pregnant women was conducted in the waitingrooms of four tertiary maternity centres in Hyderabad using a validated, self-administered questionnaire. Chi square test was done to determine if nutritional counselling improved know ledge levels. Results: Majority of  overweight (62.6%) and obese (76.3%) women underestimated their w eight category (p<0.01) whereas underweight women (57.1%) overestimated their weight category (p<0,001). 27.1% of women accurately identified the recommended weight gain with obese women more likely to overestimate (p=0.003) and underweight women m ore likely to underestimate the appropriate GWG (p<0.01). 39.5% (n=143) of all surveyed women metanu tritionist and /or attended a group antenatal nutrition session after beginning antenatal care in the study centres; although obese women were more likely to seek personalised consultations with a nutritionist. Nutritional counselling of overweight and obese women, both group sessions and personalised consultations significantly improved knowledge of GWG recommendations (p=0.01).



How to Cite

Aishwarya, K., Asma, S., & Latha, S. (2021). Efficacy Of Nutritional Counselling On Gestational Weight Gain In Over Weight And Obese Women. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 41(1), 1–9. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jida/article/view/27904






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