Food Labelling - A Boon

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Food labelling, Prevention, Consumers, Chronic diseases, Health


In recent times focus on food labelling has increased all over the world. The aim of food labelling is regarded as a major means for encouraging consumers to make healthier choices while shopping for food. The nutrients mentioned in food products are important for maintaining good health and preventing from problems developing. In order to safeguard the interest o f the consumers, the food safety and standards (packaging and labelling) regulations, 2011, provides that every packaged food article has to be labelled and it should provide the information such as name o f the food, ingredients, nutritional in formation, declaration regarding veg or non-veg, food additives, net quantity, best before and use by date, instructions for use, name and complete address of the manufacturer o r packer and country o f origin. Hence, nutrition labelling is helpful in preventing consumers from becoming obese and also in chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, various types o f cancer and cardio vascular diseases etc., and therefore further research is needed for the health and well-being of the consumers. Thus this paper describes the importance of nutrition labelling for the prevention of chronic diseases in India.



How to Cite

Vanaja, D., & Nirmala Many, J. (2021). Food Labelling - A Boon. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 41(2), 1–9. Retrieved from



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