Decontamination of a Dumpsite of Waste from Mineral Oil Refineries in the Czech Republic, Locality of Ostrava

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  • AWT Rekultivace a.s. Member of AWT Group, Delnická 41/884, 735 64 Havírov – Prostrední Suchá ,CZ
  • AWT Rekultivace a.s. Member of AWT Group, Delnická 41/884, 735 64 Havírov – Prostrední Suchá ,CZ
  • VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 ,CZ


Waste from Mineral Oil, Decontaminated Area, Drainage System, Methods to Remedy Environmental Damage.


Oil lagoons in Ostrava contribute significantly to environmental contamination in the Czech Republic. In the lagoons, liquid and solid waste from a mineral oil refinery was deposited for a long time. In the contribution, the authors are concerned with the description of a procedure for removing the content of the lagoons, remedial measures and use of decontaminated areas.


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How to Cite

Brenek, R., Santarius, A., & Hudecek, V. (2022). Decontamination of a Dumpsite of Waste from Mineral Oil Refineries in the Czech Republic, Locality of Ostrava. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 64(3), 58–62. Retrieved from






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Internal material of the company OKD, Rekultivace, a.s.

Internal materials of the company OKD, Doprava, a.s.