Aims & Scope

Broad areas

The journal publishes technical and professional articles of scientific merit for the following fields:

  1. Mines and mining of all minerals, petroleum and other energy resources,
  2. Minerals and ores, including product and energy minerals.
  3. Metallurgy, metals and metal composites,
  4. Petroleum, oil and gases-elemental and non-elemental types, energy related and others,
  5. Precious and non-precious stones, sand and soil - loose and aggregate.
  6. Mix of the allied fields (1-5) and new developments in the interdisciplinary areas.

Sub areas

Related to all the above broad areas the journal publishes articles in the following sub areas:

  1. Reconnaissance, exploration, geology and geophysics, estimation, challenges, short and long operational and strategic planning.
  2. Land acquisition and environmental clearance.
  3. Industrial and workplace laws
  4. Post-production processing and refining requirements for the markets.
  5. Financing of projects, plants, mines, produce and products.
  6. Organization, human resources, talent acquisition and retention, and employee welfare, etc.
  7. Underground and over ground mining technology, engineering, operations, safety, productivity, performance and efficiency.
  8. New technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning, UAVs, imaging and space applications.
  9. Inbound and outbound logistics for operation, hauls, shipping and port operations.
  10. Business and trade value chains, B2B, B2C and D2C initiatives, entrepreneurship.
  11. Commodity trading and blockchain applications.
  12. Protection to air, water and soil resources.
  13. Environmental and non-stakeholder social performance , waste recovery, net-zero, no net loss , complaint and bio-diversity protective operations, and green initiatives

Emerging areas

  1. Critical Minerals
  2. Battery Minerals.
  3. Recycling.
  4. Urban Mining
  5. Electronics and instrumentation.
  6. Wide area-based Automation and Machine Learning
  7. Mine Unmanned Terrestrial and Aerial Vehicles.
  8. Wide Networks
  9. Location Mapping, Tracing and Reconciliation Technologies.
  10. Responsible, Ethical and Equitable Operation and Business.
  11. Commerce, Trade and Strategy.
  12. New Business.
  13. Remote Operational Centers.
  14. Global Capability Centers
  15. Mineral Policies and long term agreements.
  16. International Trade blocks
  17. Mine area Biodiversity Protection.