Effect of COVID-19 on Quality of Life in Geriatric Population Using ICF: An Observational Study

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  • KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi – 590010, Karnataka ,IN
  • KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi – 590010, Karnataka ,IN
  • KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi – 590010, Karnataka ,IN
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Physiotherapy, Sangli - 416416, Maharashtra ,IN
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Physiotherapy, Sangli - 416416, Maharashtra ,IN
  • Dr Robins Kumar Dharma Foundation of India, New Delhi - 122011 ,IN


COVID-19, Geriatric Population, ICF Questionnaire, MMSE, Physical Activity, Quality of Life, SF-36


Aim: The present study aimed to study the effect of COVID-19 on the quality of life in the geriatric population using ICF in and around Belagavi city. Settings and Designs: Observational study design was implemented in and around Belagavi city. SF-36 and ICF documentation were explained to the subjects and collected. Subjects and Methods: Sixty-five participants from the age group of 65 and above were taken based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Both SF-36 and ICF documentation was explained to them in regional language and collected from them. Statistical Analysis Used: Correlation was performed. Statistical significance was considered where the p-value (0.001) was kept as highly significant. Results: This study investigated the impact of COVID-19 on the elderly population (65+) using the International Classification of Functioning (ICF). Analysis of the SF-36 questionnaire revealed significant impairments in social functioning (56.25%), particularly community life, recreation, and spirituality (ICF codes d-910, d-920, d-930). Additionally, pain (54.3%) significantly affected all 20 ICF code sets, with d-415, d-430, and d-450 being the most impacted. General health also showed a 48% decline. These findings highlight the multifaceted negative impact of COVID-19 on the functioning of the elderly population.


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How to Cite

Naik, P., Ghadi, O., Pandey, A., Nair, V., Kumar, R., & Bajantri, A. (2024). Effect of COVID-19 on Quality of Life in Geriatric Population Using ICF: An Observational Study. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 1–7. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/JEOH/article/view/43450



Received 2024-04-03
Accepted 2024-06-05
Published 2024-08-29



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