Issues in Negative Association Rule Mining with Business Analytics Perspectives

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Association Rule Mining, Item sets, Negative Association Rules, Fuzzy Set Concept, Interestingness, Business Applications.
Strategic Management and Business Policy


Association Rule mining literature is witnessing a shift of focus from generating positive rules to the discovery of negative rules. A review of previous literature on negative rule mining that incorporate objective and subjective interestingness measures has been done. Then, an extension, to Fuzzy Set Concept for generating and mining negative rules is made. This work also presents unaddressed issues in mining of both positive and negative rules. Business applications that gain useful insights from both positive and negative rules have been highlighted.




How to Cite

Sethi, R., & Shekar, B. (2018). Issues in Negative Association Rule Mining with Business Analytics Perspectives. DHARANA - Bhavan’s International Journal of Business, 11(2), 13–20. Retrieved from



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