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About the Journal

Editor : Somali Chanda
Print ISSN : 0019-5537
Frequency : Bi-Monthly
Published since : 1950
Publisher/s : Informatics Publishing Limited and Books & Journals Private Ltd.

Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development, published by Books & Journals Private Limited since 1950, is a globally distributed & academic journal which is focused to serve the scientific research fraternity, technical bodies, corporates for the advancement of the quest for growth and expansion by providing unique and peer reviewed research papers. IJPRVD welcomes and encourages authors with their papers to be published encompassing the fields and related fields of, thermal, hydro, nuclear power and renewable and non-conventional energy systems, engineering and technology, irrigation and river valley development research and implementation.

Current Issue

Online First

Manuscripts which are scheduled for future issues are made available here as Online First

Published: 2024-06-25
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