Morpho-Taxonomy of Avian Tapeworm Cotugnia domestica Sp. Nov. (Cestoda:Davaineidae) from Gallus gallus Domesticus

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  • Department of Zoology, Mahatama Phule Jr. College, Ahmedpur, Dist. Latur, Maharashta ,IN
  • Department of Zoology, Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded 431 602, M. S. ,IN
  • Department of Zoology, Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded 431 602, M. S. ,IN


Cestoda, Cotugnia domestica Sp. Nov., Davaineidae, Gallus gallus Domesticus.


The present investigation deals with a new species of the genus Cotugnia, Dimare 1893 from the intestine of Gallus gallus domesticus from Latur district, Maharashtra, India. The new species Cotugnia domestica comes closer to all known species of the genus Cotugnia in general topography of organs but differs from them due to scolex oval, suckers four, oval to rounded, arranged in two groups, rostellum oval, placed in anterior region of scolex and having rostellar ring, rostellar hooks 18-20 in number, arranged in a single circle, neck short, mature progloltids 2 times broader than long, testes 40-50 in number, oval to rounded, cirrus pouch cylindrical, cirrus short, coiled tube contained within cirrus pouch, vas deferens thin tube, vagina posterior to cirrus pouch and ovary compact, bean shaped.


